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2021年春季学期境内语言生报到注册通知Notice on Spring Semester of 2021 Registration for Language Students in Mainland China
作者:        发布时间:2021-02-26 18:03        点击数:


Winter vacation is going to come to an end, and registration time for language students is 9:00AM to 11:30AM and 2:00PM to 5:00PM on 28thFebruary. Classes begin from 3rd March.

一、境内语言生入校准备Preparation for entry to the campus by language students in Mainland China


Students who already have had campus card must complete your information and update your own‘Declare Health Information’via scanning QR code below by wechat before 28thFebruary. Only after your SZU Health Code becomes green can you enter the campus.

(2)无校园卡的学生请于2月27日18:00前将护照号、姓名、联系电话、深i您的健康码和行程码(可按照附件1获取)或解除隔离证明/接触医学观察告知书发送至邮箱,邮件标题为Entry to Campus。如有疑问可以加微信号willszu进行咨询。出于安全考虑,学校不接受开车入校。

Students without campus card please send an e-mail with the content of your passport number, full name, contact number, your health code and travel code from 深i您(obtain it according to Attachement1) or 解除隔离证明/解除医学观察告知书 to before 18:00 on 27th February, and the title of the e-mail should be Entry to Campus. If you have questions, please add this wechat ID willszu to consult. For safety reasons, the school doesn’t accept driving car to enter the campus.


Warm tips: Students without campus card must obtain your own campus card according to teacher’s guidance after registration. And then submit your information according to Attachment2.



Language students in Mainland China need to go to College of International Exchange to register and pay tuitions on spot within registration time.



To secure your own rights and interests, students who are in Mainland China or are going to enter Mainland China must purchase the insurance for international students according to Attachment3.


